Top 3s for each challenge are as voted by our design team. Please take a badge from our sidebar for your relevant placing.
Congratulations to all our Top 3s and we hope you will return and share your work with us again at Crafty Boots Challenges!! :)
Top 3s will be announced following the closure of the next challenge (i.e. a minimum of 2 weeks after the challenge ends). This is to allow our team time to visit all your blogs and vote.
Winter Wonderland
First: 19. Karen PSecond: 27. Srebrnolistka
Third: 48. Repolainen
Our congratulations to Karen, Srebrnolistka and Pirjo.
First: 1. Jana K.Joint Second: 15. Srebrnolistka
Joint Second: 164. Coops
Third: 136. Rosina
Our congratulations to Jana, Srebrnolistka, Coops and Rosina.
See the Wood for the Trees
First: 27. ZoraSecond: 20. Irana Stefanova
Joint Third: 2. Helen
Joint Third: 13. Joan W
Our congratulations to Zora, Irana, Helen and Joan.
Things with Wings
First: 47 Andrea NorrisSecond: 27 Francesca
Third; 56. Papersniffer
Our congratulations to Andrea, Francesca and Wendy.
First: 1. Ans GilbertJoint Second: 21. Lisa J
Joint Secod: 50. Teresa
Third: 10. Kathie
Joint First: 34. Lisa JJoint First: 19. Cecilia Gunnersson
Second: 38. NanaConnie
Third: 26. Marina
Our congratlations to Lisa, Cecilia, Connie and Marina.
First: 80. BrankaSecond: 85. Deanne #2
Third: 23 Pat K
Our congratulations to Branka, Deanne and Pat.
All Squared Up
First: 14. Emily ShroomSecond: 29. Zosiukowamuma
Third: 4. Kathie
Our congratulations to Emily, Karolina and Kathie
You are my Sunshine
First: 14. N-EvaSecond: 11. Keti's Projects
Joint Third: 10. Carol Gill
Joint Third: 21. Vesela Soba
Our congratulations to N-Eva, Keti, Carol and Vesela.
Anything But a Card
Joint First: 7. Jana K
Joint First: 7. Jana K
Third: 42. Twisted Witch
Our congratulations to Jana, Srebrnolistka and Lin.
Use a Stamp
First: 136. Darlene PavlickSecond: 118. Marilyn Webb
Third: 111. Patty
Our congratulations to Darlene, Marilyn and Patty.
Picture Challenge
First: 2. ZoechaosThird: 4. NannaDonna
Our congratulations to Zoe, Wendy and Donna.
Christmas in July
First: 19 Ans GilbertSecond: 39. Claire C
Joint Third: 82. Deanne
Joint Third: 90 Carole J J
Our congratulations to Ans, Claire, Deanne and Carole.
Summer Time
First: 53. HelenSecond: 45. Chriss
Third: 20. Billie A
Our congratulations to Helen, Chriss and Billie.
Masculine Cards
First: 22. Andree Clark
Second: 87. Lisa Anderson
Third: 35. Carol Gill
Butterflies and Bees
First: 23. Julie P.Second: 26. Jana K.
Third: 32. Pamellia
Our congratulations to Julie, Jana and Pamellia.
Queens, Princesses and Crowns
First:16. Pat K.
Second: 12. Teresa
Joint Third: 1. Silvia
13. N-Eva
Our congratulations to Pat, Teresa, Silvia and N-Eva.
First: 55. Jane's JournalSecond: 37. Cicci Vid Pennan
Third: 25. Marlene
Our congratulations to Jane, Cicci and Marlene.
Use a Sentiment
First: 91. Jana K.Second: 56. Marilyn Webb
Third: 23. Cicci Vid Pennan
Our congratulations to Jana, Marilyn and Cicci.
Spring is in the Air
First: 2. Maxine DSecond: 29. Karasiowa
Third: 30. Carol Gill
Our congratulations to Maxine, Karasiowa and Carol.
First: 69. Aunty SueSecond: 21. Lorraine A
Third: 60. Maya
Our congratulations to Sue, Lorraine and Maya.
Something for the Lady
First: 92. TanjanaSecond: 116. Flamingstar
Third: 18. Tanvi
Our congratulations to Tanjana, Julie and Tanvi.
No Stamps Allowed
First: 56. Silje KristinSecond: 8. Srebrnolistka
Third: 61. Jana K
Our congratulations to Silje, Srebrnolistka and Jana.
Love is in the Air
First: 111. Pamellia
Second: 11. Jan R
Third: 98. Sharon
Our congratulations to Pamellia, Jan and Sharon.
Ribbon and Lace
First: 114. Mans de FadaSecond: 20. Ginny B
Third: 84. Ina
Our congratulations to Mans, Ginny and Ina.
Something Old, Something New
First: 15. PamelliaSecond: 90 Sadie L
Third: 3. Kathy Schweinfurth
Our congratulations to Pamellia, Sadie and Kathy.
Snow and Sparkle
First: 37. PamelliaSecond: 36. Betina
Third: 20. Jane's Journal
Our congratulations to Pamellia, Betina and Jane.
First: 65. Leslie Turner
Second: 89. Julie P
Third: 139. Lisbeth
Our congratulations to Leslie, Julie and Lisbeth.
Spots or Dots
First: 5. Srebrnolistka
Second: 1. Lisa J.
Third: 36, Suzi Mac
Our congratulations to Srebrnolistka, Lisa and Suzi.
First: 4. Lorraine ASecond: 5. Leona
Third: 11. Jade
Our congratulations to Lorraine, Leona and Jade.
Autumn and Halloween
First: 45. Cicci Vid PennanSecond: 64. Steffi (kreative Nachtschicht)
Third:: 80. Pat K.
Our congratulations to Cicci, Stephi and Pat.
First: 59. Silje KristinSecond: 3. Ans Gilbert
Third: 10. Jen L
Our congratulations to Silje, Ans and Jen.
Gold or Sliver
First: 9. Ammaris ArtSecond: 18. Lorraine A
Third: 19. Lozzy
Our congratulations to Ammaris Art, Lorraine and Lozzy.
First: 8. Emma RSecond: 30. Susan (Edenland Designs)
Third: 14. Julie O
Our congratulations to Emma, Susan and Julie.
Sketch II
First: 4. TeresaSecond: 3. Julia Quinn
Third: 1. Renee Torres
Our congratulations to Teresa, Julia and Renee.
Fair and Square
First: 94. Mandy StacySecond: 93. Andrea Norris
Third: 2. Twisted Witch aka Lin
Our congratulations to Mandy, Andrea and Lin.
Life's a Beach
First:19. KavithaSecond: 14. Brigit
Third: 15. Esther
Our congratulations to Kavitha, Brigit and Esther.
Christmas in July
First: 6. ChrissySecond: 72. Lisbeth
Third: 25. Paperaniffer
Our congratulations to Chrissy, Lisbeth and Wendy.
Stars and Stripes
First: 28. PiaSecond: 7. Sharon
Third: 2. Tiziana B
Our congratulations to Pia, Saron and Tiziana B.
Black and White Challenge
First: 2. Lozzy
Second: 13 Maguda
Third: 4. Julia Quinn
Our congratulations to Lozzy, Maguda and Julia.
Father's Day/Masculine Projects Challenge
First:83. Katrina Bufton
Second: Diane H
Third: Jackie Cornfield
Our congratulations to Katrina, Diane and Jackie.
Sketch Challenge
First: 1. MarinaSecond: 2. Birgit
Third: 4. Lisa J
Our congratulations to Marina, Birgit and Lisa.
Ribbon or Lace
First: 9. Julie PSecond: 25. Maya
Third: 54. Carol Gill
Our congratulations to Julie, Maya and Carol.
Things with Wings
First: 149. Ammaris Art
Our congratulations to Ammanis Art, Aelia and Donna.
Red, White or Blue
First: 8. Rachael E
Second: 23. Silje Kristin
Third: 22. Karen H
Our congratulations to Rachael, Silje and Karen.
First: 44. AmmarisSecond: 2. Tone K
Third: 27. Tracy F
Our congratulations to Ammaris, Tone and Tracy.
First: 36. LulaSecond: 23. Birgit
Third: 63. Rebecca Gillard
Congratulations to Lula, Birgit and Rebecca.
Anything but a Card
First: 9. Tracey F
Second: 46. Julie P
Third: 22. Twisted Witch
Our congratulations to Tracey, Julie and Lin
Use a Sentiment
First: 107. SrebrnolistkaThird: 58. Lisa J
Our congratulations to Srebnolistka, Kym and Lisa
Hearts and Valentines
First: 145. SrebrnolistkaSecond: 28. Andrea Novris
Third: 47. Lalkygirl
Our congratulations to Srebnolistka, Andrea and Lalkygirl.
First: 21. Karen HSecond: 46. Cheremane
Third: 74. Scatty Jan
Our congratulations to Karen, Cheremane and Jan.
Out with the Old and In with the New
First: 46. Carol Gill
Our congratulations to Carol, Mandy and Coops.
Winter Wonderland
First: 21. Julie P
Second: 34. Pamellia
Third: 5. HeidiD
Our congratulations to Julie, Pamellia and Heidi.
First: 18. Pamellia
Our congratulations to Pamellia, Sue and Debbie.
It has never happened before but we have a three way tie for this Challenge. In alphabetical order they are:11. Jane's Journal
8. Lorraine A
13, Sandra
Our congratulations to Lorraine, Jane and Sandra.
First: 2. Ike
Second: 1. N-Eva
Third: 7. Donna Mundinger
Our congratulations to Ike, N-Eva and Donna.
First: 7. Sonia S.V.
Second: 5. Lovecraftingpaper
Third: 8. Jennifer Scull
First: 85. Gunn-Eirill
Second: 89. Kirsten
Third: 87. Annette Stapylton
Our congratulations to Gunn-Eirill, Kirsten and Annette.
First: 4. Zielonaliska
Second: 24. Pauline
Third: 6. Yvette
Our congratulations to Zielonaliska, Pauline and Yvette.
Anything Goes
First: 203. Ulla
Second: 108. Julie P
Third: 3. Pamellia
Our congratulations to Ulla, Julie and Pamellia.
Sweet 16
First: 1. Ria
Second: 6. Deanne
Third: 9. Marilyn
Our congratulations to Ria, Deanne and Marilyn.
First: 1. Pamellia
Second: 4. Steph
Third: 2. Creaciones Isha
Our congratulations to Pamellia, Steph and Creaciones.
First: 76. Bilyana Kazakova
Second: 100. Sharon - Nellies Handmade Cards
Third: 24. Julie P
Our congratulations to Bilyana, Sharon and Julie.
Congratulations to Cheremane, Dian and Sheena.
First: 5. Hazel (Didos)
First: 8. Birgit
Second: 2. BG Payne Crafts
Second: 11 Eva Jansson
Third: 19 Pat P
Second: 84 Eva's Scraproom
Third:137 Marjo
First: 7 Dee
Second: 18 Pat P
Third: 6 Cely
First: 125
Second: 131 Mags
Third: 76 Maya
First: 3 KT Fit Kitty
Second: 29 Gail Scott
Third: 32 Becky G
First: 1 Chriss R
Second: 3 Kim T
Third: 5 Alyce
First: 8 - Birgit
Second: 7 - Coops
Third: 78 - J Atterbury Creations
First: 57 - Ellapu
Second: 15 - Tanvi
Third: 98 - Pat K
Sweet Treats
First: 2 - Maya
Second: 11 - Katie Tate
Third: 5 -Debbie S
A is for Apple
First: 11 - Bev Cole
Second: 16 - Ardilla
Third: 7 - Jamie
Last Days of Summer
First: 11 - Carol Gill
Second: 8 - Desire Fourie
Third: 18 - Mian Hahne
Christmas in August
First: 102 - Kate
Second: 11 - Scrappellen
Third: 41 - Debbie Fisher
Die cuts
First: 103 - Gail Scott
Second: 169 - Mags
Third: 58 - lalkygirl
Second: Number 3 Tracy Brossart
Third: Number 55 Peggy R
Second: Number 1 An
Third: Number 10 Scatty Jan
First: Number 97 Anreda
Second: Number 20 Julie P
Third: Number 62 Niki1
Second: Number 3 Dewi Lestari
Third: Number 27 Sarah
First: Number 28 Cara
Second: Number 17 Lisette
Third: Number 31 Beth F
First: Number 64 Ane Lene
Second: Number 120 R Meyers
Third: Number 173 Karen P
First: Number 94 Scrapellen
Second: Number 92 Silvia
Third: Number 121 Janiel
Second: Number 67 Beth F
Third: Number 8 Lisette
Second: Number 26 Lis-m
Third: Number 17 Lisette
First: Number 146 Karina
Second: Number 44 Kirsten
Third: Number 188 Claire C
First: Number 35 Jennifer H
Second: Number 108 Donna Ellis
Third: Number 72 Sue W
Out of Your Comfort Zone
First: Number 37 Alyce
Second: Number 22 Sue U
Third: Number 42 Audrey E
Blue & White
First: Number 23 R Meyers
Second: Number 43 Pia#
First: Number 41 Katie
Black & Bright
First: Number 7 Eva's Scraproom
Second: Number 1 Sue W
Third: Number 21 Margie Calenda
Lads Tags
First: Number 1 Pia
Second: Number 10 Fluffycraft
Third: Number 4 Melissa Sunshine Honey Bee
First: Number 140 Betty CH
Second: Number 114 Sheena
Third: Number 123 Lozzy
Anything Goes
First: Number 225 butterfly
Second: Number 280 Tracy Payne
Third: Number 278 Lisette
Second: 100. Sharon - Nellies Handmade Cards
Our congratulations to Bilyana, Sharon and Julie.
Summer Holidays
First: 46. Cheremane
Second: 50. Dian
Third 54. Sheena
Christmas in July
First: 93. Pamellia
Second: 10. Lisbeth
Third: 22. Bettina
Our Congratulations to Pamellia, Lisbeth and Bettina.
Thank You
Second: 6. Julie B
Third: 26. Lorraine A
Our congratulation to Hazel, Julie and Lorrairne.
First: 8. Birgit
Second: 6. Julie Gleeson
Third: 17. Papersniffer
Our congratulations to Birgit, Julie and Wendy.
Butterflies and Bees
First: 6. Kevin
Second: 16. Glitterarti .......Card Creations by Barbara Daines
Third: 22. Red Obsession Cards
Congratulations to Kevin, Barbara and Teresa.
Blue and White
First: 8. Jen Leeflang
Second: 35. Kathie'z Kardz
Third: 7. Lynne
Congratulations to Jen, Kathie and Lynne.
Big Birthdays
First: 10. Anatalise
Second: 12. Liz
Third: 6. Coops
Congratulations to Anatalise, Liz and Coops.
First: 20. Angela Jervis
Second: 34. Lisa F
Third: 52. Gro Tjeltveit
Congratulations to Angela, Lisa and Gro.
First: 46. Min hobbyverden
Second: 89. Helen (Crafty Mamma Mia)
Third: 13. Bonnie Irvine
Our congratulations to Min, Helen and Bonnie.
First: 26. Phi
Second: 14. Papersniffer
Third: 7. Lisbeth
Congratulations to Phi, Wendy and Lisbeth.
First: 88. Min Hobbyverden
Second: 48. Laila - aka Koneko
Third: 56. Lorraine C M
First: 1. Kate TSecond: 2. BG Payne Crafts
First: 63 Vibekke
Second: 64 Lisa S
Third: 70 Lorraine C M
First: 18 Sara S
Second: 11 Eva Jansson

Third: 19 Pat P
Anything Goes
First: 57 Ane Lene
Second: 84 Eva's Scraproom

Third:137 Marjo

Snow & Sparkles
First: 7 Dee

Second: 18 Pat P
Third: 6 Cely

First: 125

Second: 131 Mags
Third: 76 Maya
Storybook Characters
First: 3 KT Fit Kitty
Second: 29 Gail Scott

Third: 32 Becky G

First: 1 Chriss R

Second: 3 Kim T
Third: 5 Alyce

First: 8 - Birgit
Second: 7 - Coops
Third: 78 - J Atterbury Creations
First: 57 - Ellapu
Second: 15 - Tanvi
Third: 98 - Pat K
Sweet Treats
First: 2 - Maya
Second: 11 - Katie Tate
Third: 5 -Debbie S
A is for Apple
First: 11 - Bev Cole
Second: 16 - Ardilla
Third: 7 - Jamie
Last Days of Summer
First: 11 - Carol Gill
Second: 8 - Desire Fourie
Third: 18 - Mian Hahne
Christmas in August
First: 102 - Kate
Second: 11 - Scrappellen
Third: 41 - Debbie Fisher
Die cuts
First: 103 - Gail Scott
Second: 169 - Mags
Third: 58 - lalkygirl
First: Number 89 Lorraine ASecond: Number 3 Tracy Brossart
Third: Number 55 Peggy R
First: Number 6 MichelleSecond: Number 1 An
Third: Number 10 Scatty Jan
Anything but Square
First: Number 97 Anreda
Second: Number 20 Julie P
Third: Number 62 Niki1
Pink Butterflies
First: Number 17 CoopsSecond: Number 3 Dewi Lestari
Third: Number 27 Sarah
First: Number 28 Cara
Second: Number 17 Lisette

Third: Number 31 Beth F
First: Number 64 Ane Lene
Second: Number 120 R Meyers
Third: Number 173 Karen P
Use a Stamped Character
First: Number 94 Scrapellen
Second: Number 92 Silvia
Third: Number 121 Janiel
First: Number 10 Nikki PSecond: Number 67 Beth F
Third: Number 8 Lisette
First: Number 33 KirstenSecond: Number 26 Lis-m
Third: Number 17 Lisette
First: Number 146 Karina
Second: Number 44 Kirsten
Third: Number 188 Claire C
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed or Something Blue
First: Number 35 Jennifer H
Second: Number 108 Donna Ellis
Third: Number 72 Sue W
Out of Your Comfort Zone
First: Number 37 Alyce
Second: Number 22 Sue U
Third: Number 42 Audrey E
Blue & White
First: Number 23 R Meyers
Second: Number 43 Pia#

Third: Number 3 Tracey M
First: Number 41 Katie
Second: Number 54 Beacarona
Third: Number 31 Ann
Black & Bright
First: Number 7 Eva's Scraproom
Second: Number 1 Sue W
Third: Number 21 Margie Calenda
Lads Tags
First: Number 1 Pia
Second: Number 10 Fluffycraft
Third: Number 4 Melissa Sunshine Honey Bee
First: Number 140 Betty CH
Second: Number 114 Sheena
Third: Number 123 Lozzy
Anything Goes
First: Number 225 butterfly
Second: Number 280 Tracy Payne
Third: Number 278 Lisette
thanks for featuring me as your third in the winter challenge :D
ReplyDeleteIt would be really helpful if you could say if the latest winners will appear at the top or bottom of this page, and if you added dates to your challenge titles here too. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteThank you a lot for picking me in the Top 3! Congratulations to Sonia and Jennifer!
Thank you for choosing me as third place in Add a Sentiment Challenge. Congratulations to the 1st and 2nd place winners
ReplyDeleteOMGoodness, thanks so much for choosing my sweet little snowmen as your first top 3 in the Christmas challenge! I'm thrilled and very honored! Congrats to the other two ladies!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for pick My card as top 3 in use a sentiment and monocromw challenge :))) thank you very much !!!!! Congratulations to The other ladies:). Hugs cicci vid Pennan
ReplyDeleteThanks for picking me as the winner for your 'all squared up' challenge, congrats to top three!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for picking my Winter Wonderland Christmas card as your winner, very chuffed and honoured to have been picked x
ReplyDeleteIt is a fabulous card Karen, thank you for entering it into the Challenge.